More than 50% of our work comes to us from affiliates. And most of them are accountants. Some have been referring clients to us for Depreciation Schedules since we began, over 20 years ago.
Because they know how we operate. They know that we understand depreciation for investment properties inside out and will always do the right thing by their clients.
As well as individual accountants, we have groups who refer clients to us for Depreciation Schedules.
For almost 20 years, members of Count Financial and more lately CountPlus have used us as their provider of Depreciation Schedules.
RSM International is another large group that recommends us.
As do Kelly and Partners and RJ Sandersons and other chartered accountants like De Luca, Grimseys, Sofra Partners, Mazars – there are too many to list.
There are also real estate groups, mortgage broking groups and others that serve the property investing industry.
They all understand the benefit of dealing with a long running, reputable Depreciation Schedule supplier with national coverage.
We have a custom built affiliate tracking system and are very good at monitoring affiliate leads. If you would like to find out more, please email or call 1300 660033.
Some of our major affiliates are: