Depreciator Blog


The ATO just learnt even more about you

February 2025 Well, the ATO hit the ground running this year. They announced gleefully in the first week of January, while the cricket was still on, yet another data matching area they are exploring - rental bonds. And they already know so much about property investors. We have observed previously that the time is fast …

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What were our strangest depreciation requests this tax season?

It’s the time of year when we take a deep breath and reflect on the tax season that was. The highs and the lows, and the strange requests. We thought we would share a few with you. Not that tax season is completely over. If you need a Depreciation Schedule, we can jump on it …

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You might have more to fear from your neighbour than the ATO

October 2024 They’re watching you. Your neighbours, that is. In the 23-24 tax year, the ATO received tip-offs about dodgy dealings from more than 47,000 people. In the last 5 years, there have been more than 250,000 tip-offs. You can read more about that here. The ATO pitch this as largely ordinary people wanting to …

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What does the ATO know about you?

They’re getting better, the ATO. Better at knowing exactly what you’re up to. And the leaps in data matching will only accelerate when that pesky AI thing really hits its stride. Under Australia’s self assessment system, the ATO charitably assumes the information you give them is correct and they will only question it if they …

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What Are This Year’s Top 5 Depreciation Misconceptions?

August 2024 This is the time of year, toward the end of August, when we raise our weary heads and ponder the common misconceptions of clients and their accountants over tax season. It’s always slightly different. We’ve been doing this for a long time, over 20 years, and our clients know they can get in …

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Want to maximise your tax refund?

July 2024 -  All year long, we give the ATO money. Now it’s our chance to get some back. So how do you get as much back as possible? (Without getting yourself into strife.) First up, if you have an existing Depreciation Schedule, is it up to date? Lots of us need to spend money …

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You’re running out of time to pay for a new Depreciation Schedule and claim our fee.

June 2024 It’s that time of year when everything and everyone is a bit frenetic. Usually because many of us leave things till the last minute. We’ve been doing Depreciation Schedules for over 20 years, so we know what these last days of June are like. Do you need a Depreciation Schedule for a recently …

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Can you outsmart the ATO?

June 2024 Lots of people think they can. They call us all the time with depreciation related ideas that range from just wishful thinking to bonkers. On May 23, Depreciator celebrated 22 years in business, and over that time we’ve heard them all. Is it worth trying to be too clever? Is it worth that …

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According to the ATO, what ‘mistake’ do 9 out of 10 property investors make?

May 2024 Inflating repair claims and incorrectly claiming work as repairs when it should be depreciated is the ‘mistake’ that 9 out of 10 property investors apparently make. That’s according to a press release by the ATO last week, you can read more about this here.  Using the word ‘mistake’ might be a tad generous. …

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Are you planning to pay less tax this year?

April 2024 It takes planning to reduce your tax, and June 30 is only 10 weeks away. Yep. There is no point calling your accountant in the last week of June and asking for ideas. And you don’t want to be sitting in front of them in July and having them sigh and shake their …

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