Tax Depreciation Schedule | Depreciation Report | Depreciator

Tax Depreciation Schedules

our product

A Tax Depreciation Schedule shows your accountant the tax deduction they can claim for property depreciation for you every year in your tax returns.

Depreciation on your investment property is just compensation for wear and tear. Buildings wear out. So do stoves, carpet, etc – especially with tenants. So you get to depreciate them, or write them down, a bit every year. The amount of depreciation you can claim typically needs to be established by a Quantity Surveyor.

Sometimes also called a Tax Depreciation Report or just a Depreciation Schedule, a Tax Depreciation Schedule is a document that shows your accountant the tax deduction they can claim for depreciation each year in your tax return.

Depreciation on your investment property is just compensation for wear and tear. Buildings wear out. So do stoves, carpet, etc – especially with tenants. So you get to depreciate them, or write them down, a bit every year. The amount of depreciation you can claim typically needs to be established by a Quantity Surveyor.

Without a Depreciation Schedule, your accountant will not know how much depreciation can be claimed on your property.

It is often the largest claimable tax deduction for rental properties.

Your Depreciation Schedule will show you how much depreciation can be claimed on the building itself year after year. It will also show you what can be claimed on eligible structural renovations.

And it will show the depreciation that can be claimed on brand new Assets, or fixtures and fittings.

Both methods of depreciation will be shown: Diminishing Value and Prime Cost – not everyone does that.

And the Low Value Pool will be there – some companies forget this, too.

Everything you need to claim depreciation every year will be in your Depreciation Schedule.

A Tax Depreciation Schedule is the same document as a Tax Depreciation Report – some people just call them different things. They are also sometimes called a Quantity Surveyor Report. Or ‘one of those depreciation tax quantity report things’.

Depreciator has been preparing Tax Depreciation Schedules for over 20 years now. Most of our work comes from accountants because they know our Schedules are easy to use; it’s a complete schedule so you don’t have to pay your accountant to do anything extra.

Depreciator also offers FREE updates on our Depreciation Schedules – forever. When you change your property, your Depreciation Schedule needs to change with it. Other providers may charge you extra – but not Depreciator.

It depends. Don’t you hate that answer? How much a Tax Depreciation Schedule costs depends on the location, age of the property, and the amount of information you have on the property. Sometimes it may not be worth you paying somebody to inspect. We have a solution for those cases. In a quick phone call  1300 660033, the team at Depreciator can work out the best way to tackle your job and give you a price. You can also lodge an obligation free enquiry here.

Order your Tax Depreciation Schedule online or call us on 1300 660 033.

We guarantee the returns of your Depreciation Schedule so there’s no risk to you. Even better, if it’s not worthwhile having a Depreciation Schedule done we’ll tell you within a few minutes and advise against having one prepared.

Some older properties (built before 1988) that are completely unrenovated or unimproved will have no or minimal depreciation available, but … most properties of that age have had some work done and that work may mean substantial depreciation can be claimed. You should always ask us to evaluate every property; it’s FREE so why wouldn’t you?

We will check for renovations and improvements that may not be obvious to the untrained eye. Don’t risk missing out on what may be a substantial claim.

Many property investors needing a Tax Depreciation Schedule ask ‘Can’t my accountant just do it?’. Accountants don’t have the skills or construction qualifications needed to estimate what an investment property might have cost to build, or renovate. The people best qualified to do that and produce your Depreciation Schedule are Quantity Surveyors.

Even when clients have an investment property built and have construction costs, these are not normally broken down in a way that an accountant can use to work out your depreciation claim.

They send their clients to us because they know we keep on top of the Depreciation rule changes, and because they know that when they get one of our Depreciation Schedules it will have exactly what they need.

Get a no-obligation quote today from the firm trusted by hundreds of CPA and Chartered Accountants Australia wide. 1300 66 00 66

Depreciation Schedules are already great value as they typically provide an excellent return on investment. Quite possibly the highest return on investment of any investment property related expense. Depreciation Schedules are even better value when you consider the cost is also 100% tax-deductible.

Many of our clients have had investment properties for years before they find out about claiming depreciation. It’s no problem at all, we can start a Depreciation Schedule on any date. We don’t charge any extra to backdate our Depreciation Schedules. The ATO allows 2 prior years tax returns to be submitted or amended with no questions asked. We can, and often do, go back further than that, but you should consult your accountant first.

We’ve been producing Depreciation Schedules for almost 20 years. Some of our early clients are still making use of our unique and free update service.

When you get a Depreciator Depreciation Schedule we keep it up to date as you make changes to your investment property. That could be as simple as replacing an old air conditioner or a kitchen and bathroom renovation. You won’t get that elsewhere.

If we need to inspect your property we’ll send somebody appropriately qualified to inspect. Most companies chain their Quantity Surveyors to their desks and have someone with no formal qualifications inspect your property.

Why not call us on 1300 66 00 33 to find out how easy it is to get your Tax Depreciation Schedule.

Tax Depreciation Schedule Examples

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